creative, photographer, filmmaker

The World Can Adjust x Hawthorne

The World Can Adjust x Hawthorne

Hawthorne is an online cologne brand that creates unique scents based on an online quiz it invites its customers to take.

Scent + Individuality can have a powerful effect on one’s own sense of confidence, and how that individual presents themself to the world.

We created a campaign that encourages men to never conform to the mundane habits of the world, but rather find confidence in their individuality. And if the world does not like it, the world can adjust.






2020 Young Ones ADC for Craft in Writing

Director: Derrick Trotman

Director of Photography: Derrick Trotman

Editor & Colorist: Derrick Trotman

Art Director: Tessa Memmott

Copywriter: Enoch Lui

Gaffer: Caleb Blackhurst

Producer: Marshall Ward

Strategy: Quinn Frehner